Hija permezz tal-librett li l-mużika tinkiteb u tgħix u hija permezz tal-opra li l-kultura mużikali u letterarja titwaħħad u tevolvi. Għaldaqstant nemmen mhux biss li huwa essenzjali li l-libretti tal-opri jkunu aċċessibbli permezz ta’ publikazzjoni bil-Malti għal min iħobb l-opra imma m’għandux familjarità mal-lingwa Taljana u dik Franċiża, iżda wkoll għaliex huwa daqstant essenzjali li l-lingwa Maltija jkollha r-referenza tagħha f’dan il-ġeneru li jikkostitwixxi pilastru importanti fl-iżvilupp kulturali dinji u lokali.”
Catherine Tabone, Kap Uffiċjal Eżekuttiv – Valletta Cultural Agency
“Dan l-aħħar opus ta’ Marshall iservi wkoll biex jissaħħaħ, jinfirex u jitgawda l-ilsien Malti. Għax permezz ta’ din il-pubblikazzjoni, l-ilsien Malti ser jidħol f’qasam ġdid. U jekk forsi għad hemm min jaħseb illi l-Malti m’għandux wisq skop barra l-konfini tal-kċina, permezz ta’ din il-pubblikazzjoni se jkun jista’ jagħraf kif, meta mħaddem sewwa, ilsienna hu kapaċi jitħabbeb sew mal-Majjistra teatrali.”
Tony Cassar Darien, Eks Direttur Artistiku – Mediterranean Conference Centre
“The importance of Marshall’s works is two-fold. Translating a collection of famous operas that are performed all over the world into Maltese means that our language is cemented into the history of these works which have been around for centuries, thereby strengthening the connection between the Maltese people and opera. It also reminds us of one of the most important features of opera: that it is multidisciplinary and accessible to all, thereby challenging the notion that opera is only available for the elite. The opera world is constantly trying to adapt itself to reach out to wider communities, and Marshall’s works are a gateway towards encouraging this.”
Nicola Said, Maltese Soprano, Founder and Artistic Director of Malta Opera
“Albert Marshall’s project (to translate) into Maltese nine opera libretti […] opens and provides a new insight into these immortal works. It would be of great benefit to a considerably large selection of the public.”
Albert G. Storace, Freelance Reviewer of Classical Music and Opera