Poeta li jagħti l-massimu tal-esperjenza spiritwali
bil-minimu tad-diskors poetiku.
Poeżija li tlaqqa’ l-esperjenzi sensorjali f’arranġament
li minnu nnifsu
jibda jiżvela t-trawmi u l-kisbiet tar-ruħ.
Ruħ li tiġġarrab primarjament
bħala stil ta’ sejħa poetika.
li tgħaqqad lil-leħen liriku u lis-semmiegħ tiegħu
f’reżonanza poetika waħda.
Bernard Micallef
Through a silence
that is always broken by the words that describe it,
the poems within this collection
allow the reader to embark
on a relentless exploration of the solitude of the self.
Apart from his contemplations
of the natural world and the physical body,
Galea simultaneously displays a deep consideration
for those who not only surround the self
but engender it, naked and alone.
This poetry of nakedness
is essential reading for those seeking to divest themselves
of themselves.
Aaron Aquilina